From Norse Angels
I'm pretty sure someone is a lokiling! What can I do?
I just got told Would You Kindly Feel Fear, but I'm very brave! It wouldn't be in character for me to be afraid!
Unfortunately the call Would You Kindly indicates a supernatural effect, so a similarly supernatural effect is needed to resist it. You can decide how you respond to roleplaying effects, but you must roleplay a reaction to them, you can't just push through on willpower alone.
I see this is a viking age setting. Can I play a raging sexist in it?
No. Norse Angels is a fantasy setting, not a historical one. Discrimination based on sex and most other kinds of historical oppression are forbidden by our out-of-character policies.
I see this is a viking age setting. Can I play a gay or transgender character in it?
Yes. Norse Angels is a fantasy setting, not a historical one. Discrimination based on these attributes and most other kinds of historical oppression are forbidden by our out-of-character policies.