
From Norse Angels

Seidr is the art of seeing the future. It's a double-edged sword though, for seeing the future can invite the very doom you're trying to avoid.

To have a vision of the future, godlings do the following:

  1. Inform a ref that you wish to have a vision, and on what topic.
  2. You will be informed if this is a topic for which major visions exist. You may choose to stop at this point.
    • If no major visions are available, you may cast a rune of Insight to see a minor vision, which will be narrated to you. These will usually be less informative than major visions, but on the bright side, you can't trigger a Doomsaying. It's possible a minor vision won't be available on a topic, in which case your Insight rune isn't used.
  3. Otherwise, you will receive a major vision, which may either be a normal vision, or a Doomsaying.
    • After learning if you got a Doomsaying or not you may cast a rune of Insight to return that vision and draw again. It is possible that you'll get the same vision.
  4. If it is a normal vision you may read the vision for as long as you like, but cannot confer or make notes until you give it back. That vision will then be destroyed; no one else will see it. You may do what you wish with the information.
  5. If you receive a Doomsaying you must publicly declare that you have seen a Doomsaying, and read it to the room. You then keep it. A Doomsaying will cause something bad to happen to do with the topic it is about; enemies you'll face on the linear will be harder, or events will somehow unfold worse than they otherwise would have.

Major visions always exist for the next outing the godlings will make in to the world in the week before it (until they've all been seen).

Major visions can only be seen in interactives, and each godling can see only one per interactive. You can still perform Seidr on linears to try to see minor visions.