From Norse Angels

Revision as of 17:40, 16 October 2024 by Bink (talk | contribs)

Due to its nature as a game with hidden traitors sowing chaos, it's likely that player versus player (PvP) conflict will affect you in this game, and it's not possible to entirely opt out.

Bear in mind that shading your hand over the eyes is a way to remove yourself from an intense social situation without questions why.

Flyting is designed as a way to resolve social conflicts without requiring intense arguments.

While it's perfectly allowed to conflict over efforts to affect the world, continually harassing another character without cause is not allowed. If you believe another player is pursuing conflict with you to a level that's not warranted by your activities or opposition to them, then you can talk to a ref or the exec about it.

We expect physical PvP (usually meaning attacking other player characters) to be much rarer than social PvP. If a player plans to initiate physical PvP with another character they must inform a ref beforehand. Should physical PvP happen spontaneously due to events without a ref present and there's contention over the result, the benefit of the doubt will go to the defender.

Physical PvP will typically only be possible on linears due to the peace spell in interactives; Oathbinding can be used to make betrayal between characters on a linear costly or difficult.

We recommend checking in OOC with another player after a conflict in character.