Animal Familiars

From Norse Angels

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Each godling has an animal companion that can be physrepped with a small fluffy toy or model animal. You can communicate with all creatures that are the same species as your familiar.

You can also pick any one uptime ability and any one downtime ability that your familiar gives you from the table below.

It's possible to retrain your animal familiar during play, to do so speak to a Norn and they give you guidance on how to do about it.

Combat Stealth Politics
Uptime Guard Dog: Your familiar gives you an extra MASS attack once per event. It must be in your hand to make this attack. A Fluffy Distraction: You may use your familiar as a decoy once per event while doing something sneaky. This allows you to call MASS Would You Kindly Watch This! and indicate your familiar. Extreme Cuteness: your familiar allows you once per event to use an emotion effect MASS Would You Kindly Feel (Emotion) on a group, one of whom acknowledges how cute your familiar is.
Downtime Gorilla Warfare: Your animal companion will assist you during downtime when being combative. Familiar on the Wall: Your animal companion will assist you during downtime when being secretive or gathering information. Can’t Say No: Your animal companion will assist you during downtime when being diplomatic.